1. Summary/Outline
The Glass Furnace (hereinafter referred as TGF) is starting up an “Artist in Residence” program for 2016. The target of this program is to give artists an intensive time and opportunity to work on their application and techniques of production while providing facilities with accommodation for 1-month periods at TGF. In addition, it is aiming to promote glass art and cultural activities in Istanbul and to inform the local residents and revive the human resources.
4 artists at a time, a total of 16 glass artists from both national and international applications, will be chosen for 4 different periods. Each period 1 fusion, 1 kiln casting and 2 hot glass artists will be producing their work at the TGF. In addition to their work, the artists will be interacting with locals and students through some lectures and demonstrations. An exhibition will be held at the end of each period at TGF to showcase the works produced there. And at the end of the program, 2 collective exhibitions will be held in the city, Istanbul, with the total works of all involved artists.
For 3 weeks, guest artist will be working at a supportive and stimulating environment with great facilities for glass production, surrounded by beautiful natural resources.
2. Organizer
The Glass Furnace/ISTANBUL
Koyici Cad. No 72/A Ogumce Istanbul TURKEY
3. Program Periods
February 1 – February 26, 2016
February 29 – March 25, 2016
April 4 – April 29, 2016
May 2 - May 27, 2016
4. Artist selection
8 national, 8 international, total of 16 glass artists will participate
After the enrollment, participating artists will be selected and announced at the end of the evaluation made by TGF. Each period, TGF will provide an assistant/student to each artist. Each artist can bring his/her own assistant. For those assistants they bring along, TGF will provide room and board but not the transportation cost.
5. Criteria of selection
Regardless of age and gender, glass artists who have potential to stimulate the glass art scene in Istanbul.
4 Kiln casting
4 Fusion
8 Hot glass (blowing/sculpture/sand casting)
6. Qualifications
Those who can stay in Istanbul for 4 weeks and produce glass art works during the first 3 weeks.
Those who have won at least one award or attended at least 1 exhibition.
Those who can present glass art works produced in Istanbul as the accomplishments of the program.
Those who can actively participate in activities such as artist lectures and demonstration within the objectives and goals of the program; and interact with locals, primary and secondary school students visiting TGF.
Those who can agree with “Terms and Conditions” stated below and be responsible for his/her actions in the whole process until the termination of the program.
Those who can communicate well with staff members of TGF, either in Turkish or English.
7. Application procedure
Send below by the deadline:
a) Attached application form
b) At least two referance letter.
b) One head shot of the applicant taken within last 6 months (more than 2 MB jpeg)
c) 10 photos of past works (more than 2 MB jpeg)
Please label each photo with “Photo number_title_applicant’s name.”
For example: Vladimir Klein The Boat named sculpture ’01-Theboat-Klein’
d) Data of works: title, size, technique, and year produced (MS word format or Text format)
e) One page that shows all ten images (low quality is fine) on the same page, pdf
Only the e-mail applications are accepted.
Please send (a) application form and all the data from (b), (c), (d) and (e) and the previous works by ‘we transfer’ to directly air2016camocagi.org (https://www.wetransfer.com)
If there is lack of information/data upon application, the applicant will be notified. In such a case, the submitted data is NOT officially accepted unless the rest is submitted to TGF.
Regardless of the success or failure of the selection, submitted information/data provided for application will NOT be given back to the applicant.
If selected, submitted data (e.g. headshot of the applicant, data of past works) may be used as a part of publicity activities of the program.
8. Application deadline
All applications must be sent to TGF by Monday, November 16, 2015
9. Submission
The Glass Furnace
E-mail: [email protected]
Please write ‘AIR-YOUR NAME-number of your e-mail' on every email subject.
10. Selection and notification
TGF Program Executive Committee will select suitable artists based on the submitted information/data. Each applicant will be notified of the selection result with e-mail by November 26, 2015. Before the result is officially released, any inquiries about the selection result will not be answered.
11. Production
The selected artist will stay in the guest house of TGF and use the studios and facilities of TGF. The use of the studios and facilities in TGF can be up to 6 days in a week. While using the studios and facilities, the artist agrees to follow the regulations of TGF.
12. Interactive activity attendance
In order to encourage the glass arts and cultural activities among the local residents and students, there will be some interactive activities held during this program. Such as: artist conferences, shows and exhibitions. Selected artists are expected to participate in the below activities:
a) Artist conferences
The artists will present an artist lecture at TGF and introduce his/her glass art works and techniques through a lecture and demonstration. The students at the lecture and demonstration will be mainly TGF students and locals who are interested in glass arts.
b) Activities with students
The artists will interact with students through some lessons and demonstrations.
Some short chats and demos with primary and secondary school students visiting TGF may be requested.
c) Exhibition
The artists will participate in the exhibition organized at the end of the period to showcase his/her works produced at TGF during the program.
13. Terms and conditions
TGF and the selected artists accept the following rules within the frameworks of the program.
Topic |
Description |
Traveling Expences |
TGF covers the traveling expences of one round trip between economy flıght from the artist’s current residence and Istanbul. The coverage is up to 3.000 TL (Turkish Lira). Exceeded costs will be covered by the artist. It is very important for the artist to hand in the boarding passes for documentation.
Period of the program |
4 weeks (3 weeks of studio time, 1 week for exhibition preparation) |
Additional to production |
The artist can request to rent TGF masters and the crew at his/her own expense 1 hot glass master per hour, 40 Euro 4 hot glass crew per hour, 206 Euro 1 fusion master per hour, 35 Euro 1 kiln casting master per hour, 35 Euro |
Material cost |
TGF will cover the below material cost for production during the program. Hot glass: 400 kg clear nugget, 8 kg colored bars Fusion: 8 m2 sheet glass Kiln casting: 60 kg colored billet If more material is needed than the above, the artists can buy from TGF or bring their own along with them. |
Accommodation |
The artists can stay at the guest house of TGF during the program. TGF covers the guest house accommodation and the board. If the artist chooses not to use TGF guest house and wish to stay somewhere else, the expenses will be covered by the artist. As a general rule, only the artist and his/her assistant and the assistant/student provided by TGF can stay in TGF guest house. |
Working space |
The use of TGF studio and the facilities should be up to 6 days per week. The studio and the facilities hours are between 09:00 and 17:00 each day. The artist is obliged to comply with rules and regulations of TGF. |
End of work |
Guest rooms are cleaned twice weekly by the staff of TGF. The artists are responsible for cleaning after themselves at the studios and the facilities, and leaving the materials and tools back in their place after use. |
Interactive activities (Artist lectures and demonstrations) |
During the program, as part of the interactive activities seminars and demonstrations from artists may be requested. Advertising and announcements will be made for activities by TGF. |
Interactive activities (Exhibition) |
At the end of the program artists will present their work at an exhibition which will take place at TGF, to display what they have produced in this process. - Exhibited works may be from those produced during the program and from previously produced works which were brought along. - The cost of the collective exhibition which will be held in Istanbul at the end of the program will be covered by TGF. (Transportation of the works to the exhibition space, etc) - The artists can help/contribute to the advertising preparation. - TGF does not accept responsibility for the damage and loss of exhibited works. |
Transfer of the products |
TGF covers the expences of transport of the pıeces to artist's country of residence up to 2.000 TurkIsh Lira. ExceedIng costs should be covered by the artist. |
Recording of production |
TGF may record the artist’s works and the production process with photos and videos. The copyright of all the recorded items belong to TGF and may be used for advertising and publicity purposes. |
Record of works |
The glass art works produced during the program are copyrighted by the artist; however, TGF has the right of their use for publicity activities of the program. |
Publicity activities |
TGF will ask for the artist’s permission to use some data such as the artist’s head shot and/or biography, and photographs of his/her glass art works for publicity activities of the program. The artist may be asked to give interviews to the media (e.g. newspaper, TV) unless they interrupt his/her production. |
Donation of works |
In order to sustain the program in future years, the artists will donate 50% of the works produced by him/her during the program to TGF. |
14. Contact
The Glass Furnace
Koyici cad. No 72/A Ogumce Istanbul Turkey
Telephone: +90 216 4333693
Email: [email protected]
15. Attachments
a) Application Form (Please use the attached form for application)