Karen&Jason Johnssen•Hot Sculpting
August 4 @ 09:00 – August 15 @ 17:00
This intensive hot glass sculpting workshop course is designed to help students realize their ideas by building on time-proven and innovative techniques. Experimental ways of drawing and creating texture with glass frits and powders, torch–work, the use of customized tools, learning about the hot garage, will help each student attempt to render items in glass realistically. Fundamental ways of sculpting blown and solid forms parts will be taught with a focus on the use of the hot garage to construct with parts. Teamwork in hot construction will be emphasized. A substantial amount of time will be spent on creative thought processes as students develop their own dialogue with glass using a newly introduced vocabulary of form and technique. Talks, demonstrations, and student time will all contribute to the class experience. Three years of some hot-glass experience would be helpful. Plan on working hard and having fun!
The cost includes accommodation in a 4-person room, breakfast, lunch and dinner.