Simone Crestani

Born in 1984 in Marostica, in the province of Vicenza (Italy), he started working glass in 2000 first as a student and co-worker in Massimo Lunardon’s glass blowing studio. After an apprenticeship that lasted ten years, he opened his own studio, where he continues to work, dedicated to research and innovation. He is regularly invited as artist in residence and as a teacher by prestigious art academies and glass schools all over the world.

An introspective and self-taught artist, over the years he put together all the lessons learned and the experience gained, and finally broke away from the traditional glass of Murano

Inspired by the never-ending variety of the natural world, the shapes of animals and plants magically come to life, even in their tiniest details, in an celebration of lightness and transparency. Simone Crestani’s technique, together with his personal style and sophisticated poetics, allow him to create an interaction, where glass overcomes its purely material dimension and becomes a fine and studied artistic language, a pure, silent and crystalline conceptual element.