Ursula Distler
Ursula Distler is working as a freelance glass artist in her own workshop in Nuremberg since 1989. Since, 1991 she is lecturer for glassdesign in the Bildungszentrum of the city of Nuremberg. Starting with stained glass, Ursula Distler became more and more interested in forming molten glass to achieve new appearances. Various techniques of glass forming were taken into possession by attending workshops, summer courses (e.g. 1990-91 at Bild-Werk Glass School in Germany) and as a guest student in the Berufsfachschule für Glas und Schmuck in Neugablonz, Germany. Ursula Distler’s artistic creations comprise installations and objects with pate-de-verre-elements (kilncasting), exhibitions in German museums (Zeidelmuseum Feucht, Glasmuseum Wertheim, Handwerksmuseum Deggendorf and others), in the Kunsthaus of the city of Nuremberg, the exhibition ‘Glas-Kunst-Orte’ in Weiden, Glaskunstbeurs in Leerdam, Holland and ‘Glas in historisch licht’ in, Horn, Holland. Permanent presentation in German and international galleries. Acquisitions by Perlenmumuseum Ulzen-Berlin, Glasmuseum Wertheim, Kreismuseum Walderbach.