Half-Day, Monthly Bead Workshop

Starting on December 4th. 4-11-18-25 December.

We are starting to learn bead making, one of the flame working techniques, with basic shaping techniques. Beads can be shaped freely by hand and with mold shaping techniques, and they can be diversified with various decoration methods. This type of work is the fundamental step for thousands of different processes that can be applied.

The most basic process of bead making is to create a perfect sphere. A sufficiently sized ball is formed by continuously turning glass rods in the flame, and it is created by wrapping it around a steel rod previously coated with bead separator. In this monthly workshop, after learning the creation of basic shapes such as triangles, cubes, cylinders, and flat forms, we will add techniques for creating various glass beads using dotting and line techniques.

*In the last hour of the workshop, you can turn the beads you made into the desired accessory using the jewelry accessories available in the workshop.

The workshop is a monthly package, and a total of 4 lessons will be held once a week.

Workshop Dates: December 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th

Workshop Time: 10:00 – 12:30

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Toplam 4 Atölye Fiyatı: 5000

Bilgilendirme: Bizim tarafımızdan yapılan atölye iptallerinde ücret iadesi birkaç gün içerisinde yapılmaktadır. Katılımcıların atölye iptallerinde ücret iadesi yapılmamaktadır, ancak atölye tarihinden 3 gün önce yapılan iptallerde tarih değişikliği yapılabilmektedir.