Half-Day Beginner Level Hot Glass Workshop on 3 April

In this workshop, you will experience a unique journey with the manipulation of molten glass throughout the half day. You will begin by getting acquainted with the hot glass studio. Following that, you will learn safety rules, how to hold the pipe and noble (ponti), workshop movements and exercises, how to take glass from the furnace, shaping the taken glass on the marver table, ladle usage, neck cutting, shearing scissors and tweezer usage, mass form exercises, creating round mass with solid glass, creating round 2 and 3-lobe masses with solid glass, making paperweights with embedded colors (flower and twist). With the knowledge and skills acquired until this stage, you will move on to glass blowing. After improving your mastery of glass, you will conclude your works by blowing a sphere.

*Due to the annealing process, the works created in this workshop will be sent later via shipping.

Instructor: Anna Seda Pöhrekçi

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Atölye Fiyatı 3000

Bilgilendirme: Bizim tarafımızdan yapılan atölye iptallerinde ücret iadesi birkaç gün içerisinde yapılmaktadır. Katılımcıların atölye iptallerinde ücret iadesi yapılmamaktadır, ancak atölye tarihinden 3 gün önce yapılan iptallerde tarih değişikliği yapılabilmektedir.